SRC is proud to congratulate Dr. Ionut-Cristian Hutopila for achieving accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. Dr. Hutopila leads a team
SRC is proud to congratulate Dr. Ionut-Cristian Hutopila for achieving accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. Dr. Hutopila leads a team
Congratulations to Dr. Stella Blosser on achieving the Master Surgeon distinction in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Dr. Blosser has been a Surgeon of Excellence since 2012, most
SRC congratulates Dupont Hospital, part of the Lutheran Health Network, for being the first hospital in the United States to achieve the Center of Excellence in Breast
SRC congratulates Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville for being the first in Georgia to achieve distinction as a Center of Excellence in both Robotic and Hernia Surgery.
SRC honors Dr. George Anthony Resta for achieving a Master Surgeon distinction in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. In 2014, Dr. Resta was one of the first to receive
SRC honors Dr. Reena Talreja-Pelaez, who has achieved a Surgeon of Excellence distinction at the SRC-accredited Center of Excellence Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital. With a